Friday, January 10, 2014

Unplanned pages.

The above page is the product of an all day crop. It was the last page on the to do list. My eyes were tired, my back was aching, and my creative brain was starting to misfire. My only plan was to make sure this picture made it in to the album. Hey, it's not everyday I get a picture of myself that I approve of. It turns out that I kind of like the result of too many m&m's, laughter, and exhaustion.
If you've read any of my other blog post you know I am a planner. I struggle with allowing myself to just create without over thinking it. I think this page is fun, corky, and eye pleasing. It reminds me to just create! That the result will not be a disaster. The vintage mini playing cards were an find that I scored. A super fun embellishment I might have not used if I had planned this page out.

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