Wednesday, January 8, 2014

December activies.

The above calendar was floating around Pinterest and I knew I wanted to use it as soon as I saw it. It took a little investigating and a few different pins until I found it's original source. I located the calendar as a printable on another beautiful ladies' blog. Most seem to be using it for their December Daily album which is usually a mini-album. But who has time for a mini-album when you are a loyal 12x12 girl. I printed it as a full page 8.5x11, because that is the biggest size I am capable of printing. I then placed it on card stock. I added all of our holiday activities to the calendar as the days grew closer to Christmas. I am super happy I took the time to document the holiday season. I am not so happy this page is full of my ugly handwritting, but I had no other choice due to lack of space. Being OK with my handwritting is something I hope to work on this year. Following this page in the album will be many of activies listed above.

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