Monday, January 20, 2014

All pages aren't created equally.

They just aren't! Some pages take more time. Some take less. You can dedicate a ton of time to create a page and the end result just doesn't make your heart flutter. On the other hand, sometimes the simplest page will speak to you. It might be the layout, the photo, the attempt of trying a new technique, the story you are documenting, or maybe you finally decided to use that one piece of paper you've been saving for just the right project. Regardless the reason, it's normal to take more pride in one compared to another. This also applies to the cost of pages. A page with 52 embellishments, tons of papers, and a long Thickers title will usual cost more than a page the demands less fussiness and a Cameo cut title. To me, these factors seem to balance out each other.
Previously, I've told you my albums are in calendar year fashion. Starting fresh in January and always ending the album with way too many Christmas layouts. When I review the album as a whole I always have my favorites. I also always have a handful of pages the I am not that fond of. Both of these groups are surrounded by pages that fall someplace in the middle. Full of pictures I don't want to forget and stories I am proud to tell. Simple pages and more difficult ones. Pages that are expensive and other made out of scraps. The balance of these pages make my albums perfectly complete to me.

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