Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Piper Eleanor.

Today is Piper's 1st birthday! And that means I get to give her & her family the secret scrapbook project I've been working on for more than a year. I will probably be the most excited person you've ever seen at a 1 year olds birthday party. I feel blessed to have this little peanut in my life and honored to make her this album. It was such a pleasure to work with her beautiful face this past year. Recognize this layout? Refer back to an older post named "Collection pages." It's the exact same layout with a few different elements. It's kind of like the girl version and boy version. This page was created using Time for Spring by Fancy Pants Designs. I finally got to use that owl ribbon I've had for a long time. I loved it when I bought it and have tried to use it on many other pages, but it never made that finally cut. I think it fits here perfectly. Warning: pink explosion ahead! I have many more Piper layouts to share.

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