Thursday, September 5, 2013

Officially Moved.

We did it! After a few exhausting days of unpacking, rearranging, and figuring things out. We are in our new home, for now. Everything truly went as well as possible. And the little boy has done a wonderful job settling into his new home and school. He hasn't had any sleeping problems, probably because he's had some busy days too, which was one of my big worries with this move. I am pretty proud of him and my husband too.
Now, the important stuff. Projects are lining up and I think they are calling my name. I am itching to do something creative. A few positive things have happened with the move in regards to my paper addiction. The little boy is attending pre-school 5 day a week. Which is huge to this SAHM who hasn't ever had ample amount of free time. This gives me every morning to do the things I love until 11:40am. Wahoo! In the move I also acquired a scrapbook room. It's a long room with low ceilings in which I can only stand up in the middle of the room. But who needs to stand to scrap? All my stuff has made it to the room, but hasn't been unpacked and organized yet. The wheels are turning about storage, organizing, and making the room functional and awesome. This house is only a rental so I am not ready to invest in any big ticket items, but I am dreaming of the next space already. Maybe just a few small items to make it comfortable. I think I start with small glass jars for my buttons.

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