Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We did it, again

We have moved back home and after a year of transition and caring for 2 homes we are settling back in. What a journey. I took a longer than expected blog break, but hope to pick up where I left off.  Unfortunately, it was just after the big announcement about the completion of Eli's scrapbook. When in fact I planned to fill these pages with layouts from that album. Not so much! Since we were moving back to our own home we had the luxury of doing it slowly. Without realizing it, the camera cord was packed up and sent to our old home. I was left with the camera, the scrapbook to photograph, but no way to transfer them onto the computer. Just a small oversight. What I thought would've been a week break quickly turn into two weeks. But now I am back and can't wait to show you a few pages. Thanks for your patients.

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