Saturday, February 22, 2014

A new computer.

A new computer seems to create a lot work and frustration. My husband tries to tell me he is not "my IT guy," but I know how he truly feels. Luckily, he was able to recover all our photos, documents, and my Silhouette files. It wasn't until yesterday when I went to do a project, I realized I should've had him recover my fonts also. Thank goodness for Pinterest, my go-to place for fonts. You can find my collection of font pins under My Likes on my Pinterest page. So yesterday I started my collection fonts all over again. This gave me a fresh start and look at things. I skipped over the fonts I truly never used. Let's face it, some just don't cut well especially with vinyl and others you think you like, but end up never using.
We also said good-bye to the trusty old internet explorer and went with a new browser. A browser that blogger seems much more compatible with and will make blogging easier for me. I guess I am "back in service" which is what "the IT guy" would say.

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