Thursday, February 20, 2014

This isn't your Grandma's vellum.

I feel like vellum is making a comeback. It was popular in the early days and quickly became old and tired, and filled with quotes. Now it's being used in a whole different way because of 2 new trends. The first being layering. It's the perfect element to add in a layer without add much at all. Use vellum when you need something to break up colors or patterns. Or use it when an additional layer is required, but you don't want to add another color or pattern. It will also give you a softer look. Which brings us to the second trend of very white pages. While trying to achieve a very calm white page use vellum to soften colors and patterns. It also will give you another texture without adding any color at all.
On this layout I used vellum to mat my photo, make a tab, and add some stars. I felt like the paper was perfect for this photo and didn't want to change it much at all. Nope, it's not my bad layout photography again. This picture was taken on Christmas Eve by my boy who once again stole my phone. After a little help from Instagram I decided it was worthy. The cork calendar is from Freckled Fawn. The enamel dots in the lower right corner are from Teresa Collins. With a few stars and an old rub-on I had on hand, I feel like I added some beautiful elements without taking away from the paper or the photo. I also feel like I achieved that glowing Christmas look I was searching for.

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