Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fair Week Fun.

First, a little more about me....I grew up living right next to the Delaware County Fair Grounds. The best agriculture fair in New York State. As a child I entered 4-H projects in the fair and had one heck of a time. As an adult it's a way to see people I haven't seen in years and re-live my childhood through our Son. It's always held the second full week in August so be prepared for more fair related post.
This is last year's fair page. On this fair day Eli stomped around the muddy fair grounds in his rain boots and yellow wind breaker. I created the roller coaster slope myself so it's not perfect, but it's exactly what I wanted. I made the flags out of toothpicks and washi tape. And placed my photos in photo strip fashion. A Baker's Twine bow and pins hide my corner where a couple of elements came together. The bingo card is from  Simple Stories.
See you at the Fair!

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