Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Vacation memories.

Vacation memories are priceless. A special time for people or a family to be together. To bond over sharing the same experience. To explore and have an adventure. To relax and recharge. Vacations memories are meant to be made, shared, told, and remembered.
We experienced so many wonderful things on our recent vacation I can't wait to tell everyone about it. I plan to do that with a vacation mini- album. One sweet little album just for this sweet little trip. Luckily, I knew what kind of album I wanted to make before we even left the ground. This allowed me to think ahead about the photos I wanted to take. I created a daily log of our adventures in my iPhone notes feature. This will help with journaling, remembering the details, and the sequence of the actives when putting together the album. All things I struggle with once I get into the creative process. One vacation mini-album coming up!

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