Friday, October 4, 2013

Sketch Challenge.

I entered my very first sketch challenge. It was a Becky Fleck sketch through A Cherry on Top. I did not win the challenge, but I did receive rewards points just for submitting a page into their online gallery. I heart Becky Fleck and that is what pushed me to give the above sketch a chance. Page Maps and Page Maps 2 were the beginning of my scrapbook hobby. I high recommend these books to any beginner or if you find yourself in a slump. As you can see I didn't stray too far from the sketch. I did omit the journaling which I have been in a bad habit of lately. I have added one little thing to the page since the photo was taken. I was rushing for the deadline and could not for the life of me find these John Deere epoxy stickers I knew I had. With the recent move I am having trouble figuring out where these random little things are. Since the challenge I found them and added one John Deere logo sticker just left of the flower. Although I do not do it often, don't be afraid to go back to your pages to add or remove something if you want to. Sketch On, Ladies.

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