Thursday, November 14, 2013

Catching up.

Which is directly related to the lack of blog post. I've never been this far behind in Eli's scrapbook and I am working to catch up to the present date. Earlier in the year a lot of my time was spent on Piper's scrapbook and it now shows. Thankfully, my sister isn't having anymore children. I prefer to scrap in the present. I've never scrapped something in the past or vintage pictures. I feel life is too busy and keeping up is the best method for me. Not to mention I have a horrible memory and can't do it any other way. When I am behind I feel like my pages don't always get the time they deserve. I won't say they lack quality, but sometimes they lack creativity. I am less likely to try something new and difficult. I also tend to resort to what I know works. Sometimes pages aren't thought out. Which is healthy for me the "planner". I am hopeful in the process of catching up something amazing, beautiful, and maybe even a little unplanned happens in this album.

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